How well do you know JavaScript Arrays?

I decided to write about sparse and dense arrays several months ago. I thought it would be easy and imagined writing a masterpiece based off my multi-year experience with arrays. Alas, my foray into the intricacies of Arrays unearthed surprising discoveries and shattered my brittle expertise. This series of posts describes my learnings and Aha moments.

What you didn’t know about JSON.Stringify

This post shows a couple of new tricks and ways to properly leverage the hidden capabilities of JSON.stringify covering: JSON expectations and non-serializable data formats, How to use toJSON() to define objects properly for JSON serialization, The replacer option for filtering out values dynamically, the spaceparameter for formatting JSON output. The post also covers the difference between stringifying arrays and objects containing non-stringifiable fields

Learning ES2015 : let, const and var

Lions at the zoo Zoos allow for safely viewing dangerous wild animals like lions. Lions are caged in their enclosures and can't escape its boundaries (if they did, it'd be chaos eh?). Handlers, however, can get into cages and interact with them. Like cages, you can think of variable scoping rules as establishing the boundaries and walls in … Continue reading Learning ES2015 : let, const and var